Following funding cuts, IWC welcomes donations of any size that allow us continue to offer programs and services that benefit injured workers.
As Injured Workers Community Legal Clinic is a registered charitable non-profit, donations are tax-deductible. IWC uses the secure facilities of to process online donations.You will receive a tax receipt from CanadaHelps by email or you can print the tax receipt.
A donation to the Injured Workers Community Legal Clinic will pay for:
$1600 40 hours hearing preparation
$750 Out-of-town community outreach session to 20 injured workers
$500 One-day leadership development training for injured worker activists
$300 Half-day “Know Your Rights” workshop for vulnerable and precarious workers
$120 In-person case consultation with client
$90 Phone intake for client
$65 Transportation for 10 clients to monthly, peer support group meeting
$26 A client receives a half-hour phone call and case update
Charitable Registration Number: 124338443RR0001
Thank you!